Monday, 5 January 2015

Wow. Talk about being a slacker!! 

One of my new year's goals is to knuckle down and really start blogging regularly! I think I've said that every year but I really want to try and do this properly!! 

So much has happened in the last year! I moved to a new school and was blown away by my amazing class of kids and even more so with my amazing co-workers. I'm right by the beach (ahhh amazing!) and I feel so lucky I work in such a beautiful, supportive, fun school. I worked in a big open classroom with another teacher, between us we had 50 year 1s.

On the first day I had them draw their face on a circle and we made a picture graph. This stayed up for the first few weeks and we were able to refer to it while we started our unit on graphing. It was nice to see how many kids were feeling excited about their first day in year 1.

The whole year was absolutely amazing, I had such a supportive bunch of parents, always wanting the best from their children, and would regularly visit in the morning for a catch up chat, or to ask how their kids were doing. (This was something I hadn't really experienced before, so it was a nice contrast). 

Something else I was blown away with was the amount of work and learning these kids were capable of. They soaked up everything they were taught and were always eager for more. It was so pleasing seeing them absorb and apply knowledge.

This little love made my day with her recount writing about lunch time play 

And this little fella had a maths brain so advanced! He always went above and beyond what was required in maths tasks. Clever boy! 

I love the detail in this labelled diagram!

I lost a whole heap of my school photos when my iphone decided to die earlier this year! Thank goodness for instagram hey! 

I loved some of our mother's day craft!

One of the highlights this year for me was going to the JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE CONCERT! He is an amazing performer, and even though I was pretty tired the next day at school, I couldn't stop singing his songs and buzzing about how amazing the whole night was!

Next year, I have accepted a curriculum co-ordinator position, I will still be on site at my current school, however I will be working week on, week off, so one week in the classroom, and one week co-ordinating. I will be focusing on effective teaching strategies and 21st century learning design. I'm not 100% sure on what I am doing yet, but am so excited (and grateful!) to be in this position. I am also excited to still have year 1s next year, we had a meet the teacher session in the last few weeks of school and I have the cutest class.
I WILL update my blog with what I am focusing on in the classroom, and in the co-ordinator job... even if it is just for me (is anyone out there reading?)


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